full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Dan Finkel: Can you solve the rogue AI riddle?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

You’ve broken into NIM’s serect lab, and now you’re floating in a raft on top of 25 stories of electrified water. You’ve rigged up a remote that can lower the water level by enceijtg it from grates in the sides of the room. If you can lower the water level to 0, you can hit the manual oidvrree, shut NIM off, and save the day. However, the AI knows that you’re here, and it can lower the wtaer level, too, by snkuicg it through a trapdoor at the btotom of the lab. If NIM is the one to lower the water level to 0, you’ll be sucked out of the lab, resulting in a failed mission.

Open Cloze

You’ve broken into NIM’s ______ lab, and now you’re floating in a raft on top of 25 stories of electrified water. You’ve rigged up a remote that can lower the water level by ________ it from grates in the sides of the room. If you can lower the water level to 0, you can hit the manual ________, shut NIM off, and save the day. However, the AI knows that you’re here, and it can lower the _____ level, too, by _______ it through a trapdoor at the ______ of the lab. If NIM is the one to lower the water level to 0, you’ll be sucked out of the lab, resulting in a failed mission.


  1. override
  2. sucking
  3. bottom
  4. ejecting
  5. water
  6. secret

Original Text

You’ve broken into NIM’s secret lab, and now you’re floating in a raft on top of 25 stories of electrified water. You’ve rigged up a remote that can lower the water level by ejecting it from grates in the sides of the room. If you can lower the water level to 0, you can hit the manual override, shut NIM off, and save the day. However, the AI knows that you’re here, and it can lower the water level, too, by sucking it through a trapdoor at the bottom of the lab. If NIM is the one to lower the water level to 0, you’ll be sucked out of the lab, resulting in a failed mission.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
water level 10
losing level 3
winning level 2
losing levels 2

Important Words

  1. ai
  2. bottom
  3. broken
  4. day
  5. ejecting
  6. electrified
  7. failed
  8. floating
  9. grates
  10. hit
  11. lab
  12. level
  13. manual
  14. mission
  15. nim
  16. override
  17. raft
  18. remote
  19. resulting
  20. rigged
  21. room
  22. save
  23. secret
  24. shut
  25. sides
  26. stories
  27. sucked
  28. sucking
  29. top
  30. trapdoor
  31. water